Nothing new

This is one of the articles I have written quite a few times in my life. It is the first one to start a blog. So it means a few years have past and I feel the need for a new blog. Well, every single time that I do this it is less about writing articles than to play with a new blog software. Nothing new this time. It is a new software and it is written by myself as mostly. One of the reasons is because I'm not so much a good writer than I'm a software developer.

The interesting part this time is that the blog software does not exist, yet. Creating this blog is actually about finding a new ways to make it. And to learn on the way where we are regarding document management and what we can do.

The basic setup will be:

  • It should be really basic. It won't be some dynamic server based blog. It will be static so the software to be created is a static site generator. But I still want to find ways how to mimick dynamism in a static site
  • It should make use of the simplest CSS setup possible. In the best case it is not called framework and it does not keep me hours and hours from my problem just to get on screen
  • Writing the articles in Microdown format which is subset of Markdown that is reliable to parse. Another purpose of Microdown is also to be extended which I'm going to do for sure
  • Microdown can be converted into pillar which is pharo's default document model that is used to write most of the documentation and tutorials about.

Next steps:

  • A basic setup of the (few!!!) software components I want to use.
  • And just rendering one page....this one!
On to #2 -->