
This site is all about programming and (at the moment) about building this site. I started this site by just writing down one article and then started to build a system around to render to the web. You are reading it right now!

I'm an enthusiast about programming (especially object oriented programming) and software construction. Mental models and how we can put the ideas in our head into software is where I'm interested in most. That's why I'm part of the pharo community help mainting and developing it. Pharo is a live development environment that enables someone quickly to sketch ideas and build it afterwards.

I co-founded ApptiveGrid: a visual database and workflow management environment that helps digitize your daily work flows be it enterprise or private.

I co-founded PharoPro that helps people and companies with professional needs in solving their problems with pharo.

I'm also CEO at ZWEIDENKER where we focus on creating software that people want to use and brings a positive impact.